PC Update

From The Editor June 2022

Hugh Macdonald I’m back and so is PC Update after a one month unscheduled hiatus. I do apologise about that. I took back the reins from David Stonier-Gibson, thinking I’d be right to produce the May issue, but had some… Continue Reading…

PC Update

Monthly Meeting July 2022

David Stonier-Gibson The July 2022 monthly meeting will be on Wednesday 6th July via zoom only: Click here to join meeting on Zoom a little before 7pm. Our MC, Peter bacon, will start at 7pm sharp. Guest segment: The Nordic… Continue Reading…

PC Update

Interesting Internet Finds

Steve Costello While going through more than 300 RSS feeds, I often run across things that might be interesting to other user group members. The following are some items I found during August 2021. Internet Problems? Here’s How To Tell… Continue Reading…

PC Update

So this is how it feels when the robots come for your job: what GitHub’s Copilot ‘AI assistant’ means for coders

Ben Swift, Australian National University I love writing code to make things: apps, websites, charts, even music. It’s a skill I’ve worked hard at for more than 20 years. So I must confess last week’s news about the release of… Continue Reading…

PC Update

It’s 2022. Why do we still not have waterproof phones

Ritesh Chugh, CQUniversity Australia While manufacturers have successfully increased the water-repelling nature of smartphones, they are still far from “waterproof”. A water-resistant product can usually resist water penetration to some extent, but a waterproof product is (meant to be) totally… Continue Reading…

PC Update

Locate files and folders instantly

Jasmine Blue D’Katz I have been watching Tech for Seniors for several months, and like attending our monthly club meeting, I learn about different programs available to make using my computer easier. Recently, during his Evernote presentation, one of the… Continue Reading…

PC Update

Did you bring it with you – the cloud is always with you

Phil Sorrentino There is just so much room on your phone for pictures, videos, music, and such. So,  what if someone asks about that video of your grandchild or pet or that list of current movies that you keep up… Continue Reading…

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    Members of Melbourne PC User Group can enjoy the club’s private Spaces based forum. Members share the latest tech news, help each other solve PC problems or simply chat about the affairs of the day. Another good reason to join MelbPC!!

    Contact Us

    •    Address: Unit 26, 479 Warrigal Road, Moorabbin VIC 3189
    •   Phone: (03) 9276 4000
    •   Email: [email protected]
    • ABN:   43 196 519 351
    • Victorian Association Registration No. A0003293V

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