About Us
Image: George Skarbek
About Us
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Some details on visiting us
Our Rules and Management Committee
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Who are we ?
We are Australia's largest and most active personal computing and technology club whose members have an enthusiastic interest in all aspects of computing. We are a non-profit volunteer based club which was started with an initial focus on IBM compatible PCs. Today the club has two divisions and much broader interests.
Purposes of the Club
The purposes of the Association are to encourage the knowledge, enjoyment, and application of current and
emerging Technologies to achieve, on a non profit basis, the following outcomes:
• Advancing technological education and literacy in all age groups;
• Enabling members to put current Technologies to practical, creative, and responsible use for personal
enjoyment or social good;
• Promoting technological literacy and fact based reasoning in public debate, including law reform
• Engaging with similar organizations; and
• Carrying out activities that benefit the Association.
Our two divisions are the Melbourne PC User Group and the Melbourne Creators Collective.

The Melbourne PC User Group was founded in 1984 to help IT enthusiasts learn more about the latest computing technology and it has the same ethos today with “Members helping Members”.

The Melbourne Creators Collective was set up by the Melbourne PC User Group in 2018 as a division of the Group to encourage activities helping young enthusiasts - anyone is young if they say so - to discover and understand todays' electronics and technology.
The Melbourne Creators Collective concentrates on "hands on" activities, predominantly held at our Moorabbin Clubrooms. The Melbourne PC User Group provides a network for members to meet at convenient locations all over Melbourne and online to swap ideas and knowledge of current computer related technology.
We are one organisation and are inclusive to everyone, each division is different only by the types of activities it emphasises. Many activities attract members from both divisions.
For Member benefits and finding out more about what we do click here