Our Activities

Our Activities
Help with computer related problems:
The iHelp (internet help) team provide assistance to members who are having internet or computer problems. iHelp is available from 10am to 3pm Monday to Friday. Full details are on the iHelp web pages.
Maker Activities:
Exciting things happening with our new 3D printer and the CNC Project.
Special Interest Groups (SIGs) :
Many of our activities are organised as meetings of members in Special Interest Groups (SIGs). A SIG is simply a group of members, usually living in the same geographic area, with a common interest.
Membership entitles you to attend any of our SIG meetings, and visitors are welcome to register for these meetings. You can see a detailed list of our currently active SIGs here, and a list of SIGs by meeting location here
Our Clubrooms and Workshop:
Our Clubrooms are located south east of the Melbourne CBD in the suburb of Moorabbin.
Members are welcome to drop in and use the facilities, which include internet access via wifi or ethernet and a comfortable lounge area to meet and chat with other members.
Members can also arrange to use our workshop with facilities including a 3D printer, lathe and milling machine, as well as a selection of hand tools.
More information about our clubrooms and how to get there is here
Monthly Meetings:
On the first Wednesday of each month (Feb-Dec) our members get together at our clubrooms and online for an entertaining evening. Members can get help with their computer problems and keep up to date as visiting experts and members demonstrate new software and hardware. More details here
Spaces is our private online forum where members can chat, exchange ideas and ask for help with their computer, smartphone and tablet problems. The content on our Spaces forum is only visible to other members of our club. More information is here
Discourse forum:
Our discourse forum is the place to go for club documentation and more focused discussions on club activities and procedures. More information is here
PC Update – our club emagazine:
PC Update is our monthly club emagazine available as a free download for all members. Articles by fellow members and invited experts enhance your knowledge of computing and emerging technologies, as well as providing a reference for all the club activities. Check out a sample issue here.
Our Workshop Facilities:
Members can arrange to use our workshop facilities which include a 3D printer, lathe and milling machine, as well as a selection of hand tools.
We invite you to join us for our meetings and/or events, which can be either online or in person. Visitors are welcome.
Some activities may be subject to a limited number of attendees.
For full details of all our meetings and events, both online and face to face, please see our Monthly Calendar here