PC Update

From The Editor October 2022

Hugh Macdonald

Welcome to the October 2022 edition of PC Update.

This month our two main feature articles are about buying a new PC and using Flatpaks in Linux.

It’s always fun buying a new PC, whether it’s a laptop or a desktop PC. I like deciding things like how much RAM I want, what size hard drive, what sort of hard drive (NVMe being the most popular choice these days) and then things like graphics card and screen size. The article takes you through a lot of the considerations you might have, so if it is time to upgrade, then it’ll be a handy article to read.

If you’re a Linux user, and particularly if you are new to Linux then you might find the fairly recent development of Flatpaks (and the similar Snaps) a useful addition. As the article explains, Linux software is usually obtained from a repository. For long term releases like Ubuntu that is only updated every two years, the software can be fairly up to date at times, Flatpaks provide a way to access much more current software in a relatively easy to use way. If you’ve never used them and you are a Linux user, or you’re thinking about making the switch, then check out the article.

Otherwise, as usual we have Interesting Internet Finds and the East SIG Report.

Enjoy, and see you next month,


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