PC Update

From The Editor September 2022

Hugh Macdonald

Hello and welcome to another edition of PC Update.

This month we have a couple of interesting articles from members. There’s one from Steve on his experiences of cancelling Foxtel and on the way discovering that his network switch had also failed, and dealing with the lifetime warranty on the device. In this age of ‘cord cutting’ it’s an interesting article from that point of view, and whether consumer guarantees really do hold up.

Stewart Gruneklee has also written of his first steps in using Linux. There’s a lot of interest around Linux from readers of PC Update, and with the decision by Microsoft to drop support for a lot of fairly recent computer with Windows 11, Linux is becoming more and more of an option. So Stewart’s take on it is a good read.

There’s also some articles on multi factor authentication, robotics and some of the usual columns like the East SIG Report, DOTW, and Interesting Internet Finds.


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