ECC Home

Meeting Details: Nancye Kirchner Neighbourhood Centre, Doyle Street, Avondale Heights.
Convenor: John Guegan 9317 7114
Melway: 27 D6 Telephone. 03 9337 6840
Co Convener: Nick Merrigan 9374 2553
About Us
The Essendon Daytime Group “ EDG” is a General Interest Group and was established on the 12 July 2002.
A committee was formed consisting of President/Convener, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor together with a number of Committee Members/Co-Conveners.
The aim of the Group is to assist all levels of computer users from beginners to the more experienced in General Computer topics, Photography and Digital Imaging, Music Applications, Word and Spread Sheet topics, Computer Maintenance and Product Reviews.
Q & A sessions are a feature of every meeting and regular Open Forums are conducted giving attendees opportunities to raise subjects for discussion.