Online SIG

Meeting Details: Available whenever it suits YOU………..Simply login to the Melb PC Spaces Forum at Spaces using your Google username (your melbpc email address) and password.
Conveners: Dennis Parsons, Roger Brown.

The Online Sig, now provided via Spaces, provides a comprehensive set of online groups covering computing and other interest areas. Don’t hesitate to ask questions or post information in any of these groups.

A particular feature of Spaces is the ability to easily post visual content and to make use of built in features such as polls. You’ll find many of these features in use in the Chit Chat group. If discussing the affairs of the day in a pleasant friendly environment appeals to you, then do join in. All shades of opinion are welcomed and respected.

Among the many groups dealing with technical issues, one popular group at this moment is the NBN Questions and Comments group where members joining, or due to join, the NBN network (which eventually will be all of us) may ask questions and receive expert assistance from other members who have already gone through the experience.

Don’t hesitate to seek assistance here – we can certainly help you through the switch. Remember – the Online Sig is all about Members helping Members.

A Spaces conversation in progress

Convenors: Dennis Parsons, Roger Brown