Website Design SIG

Website Design SIG

Melbourne PC Website Design Special Interest Group

Next Meeting:

Date: Sunday the 23rd of May
Time: 2PM - 5PM
Location: Zoom Meet
Meeting ID: 837 1560 3993
Convenor: Fleur Stephens


In the spirit of this month's meeting topic (social media) we'll be getting to know facebook. Together we will create a facebook page and delve into the complexities of creating and administering a facebook group.
On another topic of interest font awesome have just released a long overdue wordpress plugin. If attendees are interested we'll take a look at the font awesome plugin and I'll show you how to get it working.

This will be followed by troubleshooting. The troubleshooting portion of the web SIG is designed to help Melb PC users troubleshoot any web site problems they are having, so if you need some help with a website or would like to take a look at something particular with an experienced web designer/developer's guidance, come along, because this web SIG is for you!

If you would like to troubleshoot your website in a meeting please remember to have your username and password on hand and ftp address if applicable.