Website Design SIG
Website Design SIG
Melbourne PC Website Design Special Interest Group
Next Meeting:
This month we'll be looking at WordPress blocks and hopefully fielding many block related questions. This will be followed by the usual trouble shooting and website related discussions.
Please note we have a new zoom link for the year,
The troubleshooting portion of the web SIG is designed to help Melb PC users troubleshoot any web site problems they are having, so if you need some help with a website or would like to take a look at something particular with an experienced web designer/developer's guidance, come along, because this web SIG is for you!
If you would like to troubleshoot your website in a meeting please remember to have your username and password on hand and ftp address if applicable.
This is the site origin feature widget
This is the site origin feature widget, one of cool site origin widgets I think we should look at on Sunday
More on the features widget
Using the features widget I can select an icon, the icon colour, the colour of the icon container, the size, title text and more
But wait, there's more!!
I can swap the icon for a logo or any image. I can preview the widget I'm creating within the widget pop up.
A better looking icon
So now I want to create a better looking icon spread. This time I have started by created a row with three columns and set, my features layout to 1 feature per row, hoping this will work as 1 feature per column.Lets try using a bit more customisation!
So this icon is an image I created using gencraft ai. Once again I'm going to create a background colour using the design options on the right hand menu in site origin. I simply select a background colour and it's applied to my column. From here I could also opt to use a background image rather than colour. This is also where I add padding, border properties, border radius (for rounded edges - or I could turn the area into a circle). Set the font colour, link colour, link hover colour and box shadow properties.
A Feature Ball
This is created using a border radius of 50%, next I set the pading to 20px all round and the vertical alignment to centre.
Not as awesome as I'd hoped but could be fun for christmas.