Volunteers Wanted

Volunteers currently needed

Committee ask if there are any VOLUNTEERS who would be willing to participate in any of these “Shared” tasks below.
If you feel that you can help IN ANY WAY POSSIBLE we would like to hear from you.


Office Volunteers Wanted — posted 3-Apr-2017

With the Office Manager on twelve months leave, we need volunteers to help out in the office to reduce the cost of temporary staff. If you can spare a day or even half a day per week, please contact the Secretary: secretary@melbpc.org.au


QuickBooks — bookkeeping — posted 6-Apr-2017

  • We have immediate needs for volunteer(s) in QuickBooks bookkeeping, inc. hands-on assistance, training &/or guidance.
  • We also have a paid Position Vacant for a Bookkeeper (QuickBooks)/Receptionist. Perhaps you know someone suitable. Perhaps you know an accountant who might know or suggest a suitable applicant.  Please let us or them know.
  • Please contact the Secretary: secretary@melbpc.org.au


Rules Review Team — posted 3-Apr-2017

Following the issues raised at the last AGM, the Secretary is starting a team to review the Melb PC Rules. If you are interested in joining the team, please contact the Secretary: secretary@melbpc.org.au


Editorial “Staff” (backup/emergency) for PC Update Magazine — posted 3-Apr-2017

Our editor has been in hospital recently, and had a part-complete April edition of PC Update prepared in MS Publisher.  Not knowing Publisher, the emergency editor exported the raw-text (formatting lost) into MS Word, and then had to reformat it.

This highlights a problem where we depend very largely on one individual with no succession plan and no training for someone asked to take over. As we run almost entirely by volunteers, is there anyone who has a moderate knowledge of some suitable software to put together PC Update? Word, Publisher, InDesign or any other software such as open source programs are all suitable.

If anyone can offer to help on hopefully rare occasions, please let the President or the committee know.